As per the latest announcement of ITBP, 9 vacancies are available for candidates with Masters in Psychology degree. These vacancies…
MA Psychology Coaching
GATE 2023 admit cards available
The Admit cards for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2023 session are out now. This is an important…
DUET MA Psychology and MA Applied Psychology Cut-off List Announced –UPS Education
Delhi University has announced the first cut-off list of the PG Admissions session 2022 including MA Applied Psychology and MA…
Delhi University MA Psychology & MA Applied Psychology Answer key/Objection window Open—UPS Education
NTA on the behalf of Delhi University has announced the Provisional Answer key for the DUET PG Entrance Examination including…
NTA Delhi University Entrance Test Admit Cards Out for MA Psychology and MA Applied Psychology —UPS Education
The National Testing Agency (NTA) on the behalf of Delhi University has announced the Admit Card notification for Delhi University…
DIMHANS, Dharwad Notification for New Course: M. Sc Clinical Psychology—UPS Education
As per the Latest Notification Dharwad Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Dharwad is proud to announce a new course…
CUET PG Final Results Announced by National Testing Agency (NTA)—UPS Education
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the final results for the CUET PG Entrance Examinations. It includes various post-graduation…
CUET PG Admit Cards out by National Testing Agency —UPS Education
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the Admit Cards for the CUET PG Examinations. The CUET PG includes various…
National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) Examination Notification—UPS Education
In the continuation of the admission procedure of NFSU for various post-Graduate courses for session 2022, NFSU has announced the…
Counsellor, Vacancy in TISS Mumbai 2022—UPS Education
TISS, Mumbai has invited eligible candidates for a walk-in-interview to apply for various vacancy seats under “SAKSHAM”. Saksham, which in…